A Question for us all by Sanja:
" They just came from the adoption center,
and are making themselfs feel right at home.
These are two Roborovski (the smallest hamster kind) sisters.
These to cuties are not even 8 weeks old and they stole my heart right away.
Problem is... I have difficulties on naming them, would you have suggestions ? " - Sanja
Management meetings have been taking place;
as it seems, the HamsterTracker™-Naming Dept has (quite) some leftover time,
to assist the HamsterTracker™-Mailbox Department.
So we're asking you to send in your two name suggestions !
Rules: You can enter once and you have to tell a little bit about yourself,
(who are you, where from etc...),
your two suggested names,
as well as how you came to your suggestions.
Because we think Sanja needs these names quickly,
( How do you call your nameless pet... in case of an emergency ?? )
the closing date is next Sunday, September 28, 23:59 HamsterTracker™-Time!
Please send it to Peacoque <dot> Labs <at> iae <dot> nl
HamsterTracker™-Shouts to Sanja and your two cute new pets.