I love Lucy @ HamsterTracker.com

My current hamster Lucy 2.0! My hamster Lucy  (2.0)   tracked with HamsterTracker™
Powered by Peacoque Labs, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Created by Mathijs van der Paauw
- Online since September 5th, 2004 -
RSS 2.0    http://feeds.feedburner.com/HamstertrackertmRssStream
It is really doing what it has been designed to do; Tracking my hamster Lucy!

Our favorite internet DJ's, (7 banners, rotate every 15 sec.) DJ Mitch, DJ Quincy Jointz, DJane Vibrella, Simon Harrison, Christina Long, DJ Elliot & DJ Artek:
Our favorite internet DJ's: (alphabetical order)
DJ Artek, DJ Christina Long (www.citrona.net/sorbet.htm), DJ Mitch (www.djmitch.it), DJ Quincy Jointz (www.quincy-jointz.de), DJane Vibrella (www.vibrella.de), Simon Harrison (www.basic-soul.co.uk). To name a few.

Older News:

Say hello to Lucy, by signing her Guestbook!

Download your own Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit
and enter the HamsterTracker™-Tees Extreme HamsterTrackin' competition.

radio42 - Music for Lounge-Lovers.

Friday, August 25, 2006 - day 435 - current treadmill total: 425,671.47 meters! (18:30 CET)

Lucy a bit annoyed...

Last photoshoot turned a bit sideways...

This time I was photographing her while she was in her bathroom:
[ Note her (flat) ears! ]

My hamster Lucy annoyed being photographed while in her bathroom.
" NO PICTURES! ... please " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy annoyed being photographed while in her bathroom.
If you try that one more time ... I'll give you ...


My hamster Lucy annoyed being photographed while in her bathroom.

It's gonna take a whole lot of extra pineseeds to sort this out with Lucy...

My current hamster Lucy 2.0
My hamster Lucy 2.0

Proud to have
been blogged by:

august 25, 2005

march 12, 2006
march 29, 2006
may 10, 2006
june 20, 2006
july 27, 2006
august 24, 2006

My Yahoo!
Inside My Yahoo!: Meet Lucy. The most precisely measured, colorfully charted, and odorably photographed hamster on the Internet.

may 23, 2006
june 19, 2006

nu.nl the news site in Dutch

june 20, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006 - day 434 - current treadmill total: 425,085.53 meters! (18:35 CET)

Making HamsterTracker™-Tees; Testing the Prototype

Days 430, 429, 427 and 426 (see below) I showed how I made a HamsterTracker™T-shirt.

So I went to the shop and bought an insane amount of T-shirts.
From dark blue to black, I took everything I could find in a way that would also make the HamsterTracker™ financial department happy.

(After shooting this picture, I went to another shop, and bought a similar amount for a similar price!)

Overly dramatic photograph of wanna-bee HamsterTracker.com shirts.
" Fresh, Wannabee HamsterTracker™-Tees "

The BIG test...

Ok, now I think I've done all the steps...
  • Designing a logo,
  • Printing it,
  • Transferring it successfully to a T-shirt
  • Getting Lucy's approval!
  • Making a gazillion HamsterTracker™-Tees

I guess now it needs some real-world testing.
What better opportunity than meeting some online friends
(who I've gotten to know on Radio42.com, my FAVORITE internet radio station),
on a party hosted by DJane Vibrella?

Allow me to introduce:

Djane Vibrella with her HamsterTracker.com T-shirt.
G-Man and DJane Vibrella - Our hosts!

Atie on the left and Olti with his HamsterTracker.com T-shirt. Alessandra with her HamsterTracker.com T-shirt.
Atie and Olti (is the one with the HamsterTracker™-Tee) and Alessandra

Nebbie with his HamsterTracker.com T-shirt. Mrs and Mr. Bernd with one of their HamsterTracker.com T-shirt.
Nebelbeisser a.k.a. Nebbie and Mrs. and Mr. Bernd

Last but not least:

Eule with his HamsterTracker.com T-shirt.
(Nacht) Eule

Huuuuuuuuuuge success!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to G-Man, DJane Vibrella, Atie, Olti, Alessandra, Nebbie, Mr & Mrs Bernd and Eule
for a GREAT party and the immense pleasure of (finally) meeting!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 - day 433 - current treadmill total: 424,931.62 meters! (17:40 CET)

Lucy climbing out of her cage into her Explorer Ball

For me this is a(n almost) daily ritual.
This needed to be documented (and shared) with this (silent) video:

" Let's go dude, I've got a whole livingroom to explore! " - Lucy

Technical info: I am aware of the navigational menu's disappearing after 0:00 CET.

A spooky story? : I don't think so...

This is why I updated the entire site yesterday, hoping to get this bug fixed.
Ofcourse I oversaw one little thing, therefore it sadly didn't update the way it should.
But I do hope I have resolved this issue now... Testing it tonight.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 - day 432 - current treadmill total: 424,734.75 meters! (20:20 CET)

NEW: Extreme HamsterTrackin' pages per country

I've been editing like crazy these last few days in making Extreme HamsterTrackin' pages per country.
Quite a bit of work to sort out...
I've put all entries in a more chronological order, so reading from top to bottom, actually makes sense.
(Unlike this page, this page is actually Upside-Down.)

The following links open in a seperate window!

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Photographs from China.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Photographs from Costa Rica.
Costa Rica

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from France

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Germany

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Iceland

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Italy.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Mongolia

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Russia

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Turkey.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from Wales.

More info:

Extreme HamsterTrackin',
Download your Free; Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit,
Have a look at all Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' entries.

(The website is undergoin' a Major overhaul right now (20:20 CET),
although you'll hopefully don't notice any changes, 'cause it's all behind the scenes.
I've converted 782 (!) html files, using (homemade) conversion software (including the 11 new pages mentioned above).
Uploading as you read this...
- Done @ 20:38 CET Testing now...)

Monday, August 21, 2006 - day 431 - current treadmill total: 424,588.06 meters! (18:30 CET)

From the HamsterTracker™ mailbox

HamsterTracker™-Tee design by Virginia (from USA)

Days 430, 429, 427 and 426 (see below) I showed how I made a HamsterTracker™T-shirt.

While preparing for this project I got a email from Virginia explaining her efforts on making a HamsterTracker™-Tee:

" Well my tee shirt project took a bit of a left turn.
Who knew It would be so difficult to buy a plain white tee shirt in my size.
I did finally find one but it is a v-neck
so the transfer I had printed out in the image of the DIY card did not seem to fit well.
I put that one aside for future use, took some artistic license
and the following is what I came up with as a quick temporary: "

HamsterTracker.com design by Virginia.

I really like by the mirrored "HamsterTracker.com".
Very nice if you're talking to someone via a mirror.

As it seems this was a bit unintentional, Virginia explained.
For those white T-shirt transfers you need to print the graphic mirrored.

Even so, Nice touch!

Meet the designer:

HamsterTracker.com design by Virginia.

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Virginia

For this awesome creativity and HamsterTracker™ devotion!

Sunday, August 20, 2006 - day 430 - current treadmill total: 424,293.31 meters! (20:25 CET)

Showing Lucy the HamsterTracker™-Tee

Days 429, 427 and 426 (see below) I showed how I made a HamsterTracker™T-shirt.

Here is how Lucy responded to the shirt when I showed her:

My hamster Lucy inspecting the new HamsterTracker.com shirt.
" That is pretty cool, dude! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy sitting on the printed HamsterTracker.com logo.
" It is sure nice to sit on, it's soo very soft! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy wanting a HamsterTracker.com shirt.
" If you'd make them hamster-size, then I want one... OFCOURSE! " - Lucy

Would you want one?
Share your thoughts in Lucy's Guestbook

To be continued...

Saturday, August 19, 2006 - day 429 - current treadmill total: 424,109.72 meters! (17:20 CET)

Making HamsterTracker™-Tees, Part 3

Days 427 and 426 (see below) I showed how I started on the HamsterTracker™T-shirt.
Today it's time to give a second go...

Cooling off after 13 seconds of heat.
The manual stated that anywhere between 12 and 15 seconds heat should be applied.
Here it's cooling off...

Another misprint.
This doesn't look right, looks like the transfer 'melted' in the cloth

Another try, this time 4 seconds.
I tried applying heat for (approx.) 4 seconds...

The first successfull transfer!

The first successfull transfer!

Now where talkin' ...

This is getting pretty cool!
What do you think?

Share your opinion in Lucy's Guestbook

To be continued...

Friday, August 18, 2006 - day 428 - current treadmill total: 423,928.22 meters! (19:45 CET)

Making HamsterTracker™-Tees, Part 3

Geek horror!

While hoping to update you on the HamsterTracker™-Tees... Something pretty scary happened:

Computer crash: Blank screen.

All of a sudden the screen went black...
No apparent reason ...
The led on the bottom right was flashing in orange, while it should be steady green...

The machine kept on running, I counldn't do anything with this kind of display ofcourse.

Computer crash: Windows logo on startup. Computer crash: Checking the harddisk.. Yahwn...

I finally cold-booted the machine (unplugging and replugging....)...
Jippee! There is a sign of life, therefore it can't be the monitor that just broke down...
Then comes the lengthy process of checking disks (cold-reboot does that).
When windows was about to start... the screen went blank again ...

Computer crash: Removing the graphics card. Computer crash: the graphics card removed.

Then I could think of anything better than removing the graphics card from the computer.
I 'quickly' rebooted, using the internal graphics card of the computer; All ran fine!!!, Although a bit slower.

So I checked the just removed graphics card, some screws where lose (monitor connector) so I carefully tightened them.

I then put everything back in the computer.

Computercrash: Blank screen.
Spaghetti, anyone?

Then came the loooong wait of a reboot... (Leeeeengthy... disc check and all)...

Whooo Haaaa!!!! It's functional again!

Meanwhile: Lucy didn't notice a thing:

Computercrash: Blank screen.
Notice that I've rearanged the webcams a bit.
I needed the camera-stand I used with WebCam 1 (the white ball on the left), to make the above (screenshot) pictures.

Thursday, August 17, 2006 - day 427 - current treadmill total: 423,765.94 meters! (18:30 CET)

Making HamsterTracker™-Tees, Part 2

Yesterday (see below) I showed how I made a prototype and test-fitting it on a T-shirt.
Today it's time to give it a real go...

Designing a whole sheet of HamsterTracker Logos.
I 'cut & pasted' the design to create one large picture with 12 logo's!

The final print on one sheet of tranfer-paper.
After printing it once on a normal sheet of paper,
I checked to see if the size of a single logo had changed...

It had not resized! I then printed it on a transfer paper, using the highes quality settings possible on my printer.

Test fitting and covering it with 'baking paper'.
After cutting one logo out of the sheet, I test fitted it on the shirt again.
In the shirt I put a sheet of wood to have a smooth surface to work on.

The logo is then covered with some sort of baking paper.
The manual, that came with the papers suggested baking paper in case you lost that sheet.

Waiting for the iron to warm up.
Here I am waiting for the iron to warm up to it's highest termperature, cotton will allow.
The temperature setting I got from the previously mentioned manual.

Waiting for the iron to warm up.
I carefully removed the paper, after applying some heat with the iron



After re-reading the manual over and over again, I discovered that I had to remove some sort of protective sheet...

The protective sheet you need to remove before ironing.
It is quite a challenge to remove.

I cut one logo, with a slightly wider border, to cover up my previous mistake.

Now I am really ready to give it another try!

To be continued...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - day 426 - current treadmill total: 423,107.31 meters! (18:30 CET)

Making HamsterTracker™-Tees, Part 1

I've been wanting to let you in on this neat little project:

Designing a HamsterTracker Logo.
After finishing a design (inspired by the banner I've designed earlier),
It was time to get all materials needed for this project:

Picture of the stuff you'll need for this kind of project.
Transfer papers,

Printing a test design.
I've printed a test design, not wasting any (expensive) transferpaper.
I got the size about right, but not very efficient with the paper...
Not that that matters in this stage; just cut one out for 'test-fitting'.

I've actually gave this a very dark border, so I can use it on dark T-shirt.
The Transferpaper I've got is specially made for dark shirts!
(Therefore I don't have to print it mirrored, just simple plain printing!)

Test-fitting the just printed and cut-out HamsterTracker Logo.
Test-fitting it showed that the size was perfect (!) (Lucky first-time-printing-shot!)

Who wouldn't want to wear this T-shirt???

Share your opinion in Lucy's Guestbook

To be continued...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - day 425 - current treadmill total: 422,391.09 meters! (17:50 CET)

Serving Lucy the Hamster-Bananasplit/Cake

Yesterday (see below) I showed how to make a Hamster-Bananasplit/Cake, here is how Lucy 'handled' it:

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Hamster-Banasplit/Cake.
" Mmmmm.... this is new to me! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Hamster-Banasplit/Cake.
" Gonna take it with me... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Hamster-Banasplit/Cake.
" ... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Hamster-Banasplit/Cake.
" Almost there! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Hamster-Banasplit/Cake.
" Scrumptious! " - Lucy

More: Cookin' for Lucy

(The HamsterTracker™ server crashed last night...
I just discovered!
It has been running 24/7 for quite some time now, so I guess I should have seen this comming.)

Monday, August 14, 2006 - day 424 - current treadmill total: 422,391.09 meters! (18:30 CET)

Hamster-Bananasplit/Cake for Lucy

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.


Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.

Soft curd cheese (Strawberry flavoured),
Coconut shavings.



Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.
Split the banana
A slice for your hamster ... and the rest for yourself!

Use tea-spoon to make a bowl

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.
Chop walnut to the finest possible

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.
Add soft curd cheese (Kwark as we call this in the Netherlands).

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.
Top off with chopped walnut

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.
Add some yohgurt (as a whipped cream replacement).
Top off with coconut shavings
(I forgot this step)

Banasplit/cake for my hamster Lucy.

Now I am waiting for Lucy to wakeup (and hopefully enjoy)!

More: Cookin' for Lucy

To be continiued...

Saturday, August 12, 2006 - day 422 - current treadmill total: 421,233.16 meters! (17:05 CET)

Lucy's Statistical Graphs update

Here are the most recent statistical graphs:

My hamster Lucy lastest statistical graph.
HamsterTracker™ Server crashes/ISP blackouts/Sensor misalignments:
Day: 12, 30, 44, 57, 67, 68, 76, 90, 91, 96, 99, 116, 182, 292, 318, 319, 330, 331, 332, 336, 340, 355, 356, 377,393

My hamster Lucy treadmill time graph.

Total Distance Trend Graph:

My hamster Lucy Total Distance graph.

My hamster Lucy water consumption graph.

Friday, August 11, 2006 - day 421 - current treadmill total: 420,780.59 meters! (18:45 CET)


Lucy is worked really professionally during this shoot:

My hamster Lucy on the coffee table during a photoshoot.
Lucy acting extremely cautious

My hamster Lucy on the coffee table during a photoshoot.
A small sprint on the coffeetable

My hamster Lucy on the coffee table during a photoshoot.
" You need to pay me more pineseeds for me to keep posing! " - Lucy

( She got a those extra pineseeds, ofcourse! )

Thursday, August 10, 2006 - day 420 - current treadmill total: 420,541.19 meters! (17:30 CET)

A lot of fun with Lucy on the couch again

Lucy is really, really sweet these last few weeks, every morning when I enter the livingroom, she gets up to greet me!

OR ... Could it be that:

Lucy trained ME in giving her a treat every morning?

Anyway, we do enjoy these and our moments (on the couch) together:

My hamster Lucy on the couch looking straight into the lens.
" Pssst... Dude, wanna play the Touchdown game? " - Lucy

Final score:

Lucy 2 - Mathijs 0


(18:30) I've also updated these following pages with all appropriate entries:

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - day 419 - current treadmill total: 420.194.16 meters! (16:40 CET)

Mount Rushmore DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin'

This entry really excites me because I've personally always wanted to visit, but never have...

This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in the United States of America. DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin' in front of Mount Rushmore!
"We took Lucy on our vacation to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, USA.
The faces of U.S. Presidents George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
are carved into the mountain right behind Lucy!
" - Kori and Colin

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Kori and Colin!

How cool is this!
Lucy has been there before me!

Go Lucy!

More info:

Extreme HamsterTrackin',
Download your Free; Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit,
Have a look at all Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' entries.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 - day 418 - current treadmill total: 419,659.12 meters! (17:45 CET)

A new Lucy desktop for you to download

This is how it looks on my PC:

Snap shot of the new desktop wallpaper in use on my machine!

Click the picture above or the following link
Lucy's Desktop Wallpaper 4 (a new window opens)
then right-click on the picture and choose 'Save As..." or "Set as Wallpaper" or something like that.

Please feel free to drop a note in Lucy's Guestbook if you have Lucy on your desktop now.

You can also send in your desktop shot of how it looks on your PC.
[Please also provide some information from which country you're from etc.]

Monday, August 7, 2006 - day 417 - current treadmill total: 419,290.31 meters! (19:45 CET)

From the mailbox

These next great webcam snapshots where submitted individually by Lauren and Andrea:

Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy.   Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy.

From the HamsterTracker™ archive:

This got me diggin' into the ol' HamsterTracker™ archive to see if I'd have some interesting webcam shots:

Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy.

Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy.   Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy.
(Never before published) Webcam (archived) shots, taken of Lucy (2.0) on day 5!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Lauren and Andrea!

Sunday, August 6, 2006 - day 416 - current treadmill total: 419,095.25 meters! (21:55 CET)

Jop and Jan's Lucy drawings

Lucy inspired Jop (9 years) and Jan (6 years) into some Lucy drawings on a coaster:

A Lucy picture drawn by Jan.
" That's Mathijs on the left and Lucy on the right " - (signed) Jan (6)

Note I am wearing shoes! Thank you Jan!

A Lucy picture drawn by Jop.
" This is Lucy on her sunshine island! " - (signed) Jop (9)

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Jan and Jop, for their awesomely great drawings!

Saturday, August 5, 2006 - day 415 - current treadmill total: 418,833.81 meters! (8:15 CET)

Lucy's first video appearance

This is actually not the most exciting (silent) video ever, but it does show how Lucy behaves in her Explorer Ball

HamsterTracker™ shouts to YouTube.com!

For providing this great service.

Thursday, August 3, 2006 - day 412 - current treadmill total: 417,854.50 meters! (17:00 CET)

Lucy on the couch

Lucy really enjoys her moments on the couch after her time in her Explorer ball.

My hamster Lucy on the couch.
" Nope Dude, I didn't switch the TV-channel!

But I do see...
" - Lucy
My hamster Lucy on the couch.
" ... a touchdown opportunity! " - Lucy

Needless to mention, she scored a couple of Lucy Touchdowns!

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 - day 412 - current treadmill total: 417,488.16 meters! (18:00 CET)

Lucy in her Explorer Ball

Lucy really enjoys her moments in her Explorer ball.
This time I sat down, with my camera trying to shoot some pictures.
Not an easy task with Lucy running about and not sitting still for longer than half a second...

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Explorer ball.
" ... gotta run ... " - Lucy

When Lucy notices me, she usually comes nearby to say hello:

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Explorer ball.
" Hi Dude! " - Lucy

( Note the 'Duck-tape Explorer Ball Lock' I am using... )

At other moments, Lucy is enjoying it all soo much;

My hamster Lucy enjoying her Explorer ball.
" Pffffrrrrrrrt Dude! " - Lucy

Is that her tongue we are seeing in this picture?
She isn't licking anything...
One more mystery to solve...

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - day 411 - current treadmill total: 417,252.78 meters! (17:45 CET)

The geek in Lucy

When Lucy scored yet another Lucy Touchdown (climbing on the back of the couch and on the table).
I gave Lucy a moment to explore...

She went inside my printer immediately, exploring the dark space where the printed paper is stored after printing.
I made sure that the powercord was unplugged (which it was as I always do, whenever I don't use it), then got my camera:

My hamster Lucy exploring the inside of my printer.
" This is an awesome machine! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy exploring the inside of my printer.
" Does the paper come from here? " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy exploring the inside of my printer.
" Wait a minute... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy exploring the inside of my printer.
" I can see the X-swivel connecting to the Y-weel with a Z-nut.
Cooool there lots of nuts here!
" - Lucy

This was the moment for Lucy to get out, so I gently got her out of there.
After putting Lucy in her cage again, I gave her some pineseed-nuts.

Monday, July 31, 2006 - day 410 - current treadmill total: 416,730.41 meters! (17:50 CET)

Lucy getting into her Explorer ball

I finally documented this:

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.

My hamster Lucy climbing in her Explorer Ball.
" Yeaah dude, Explore! " - Lucy

Normally I give Lucy the option to climb in my hand OR the explorer ball.
Now I couldn't because of the camera in that hand.
She picks the explorer ball 95% of the time!

Saturday, July 29, 2006 - day 408 - current treadmill total: 416,388.59 meters! (21:00 CET)

Lucy posing with fake apples and real wallnuts

My hamster Lucy posing like a true photo-model.
" Is this the pose you want, dude? " - Lucy

Temperatures have dropped another 1º Celcius, much to me and Lucy's delight.
Although Lucy loves running around in her Exlorer Ball every night, she doesn't run as much in her treadmill.
If I was a hamster, I suppose I would favor the Explorer ball too!

Therefore I am not that worried about Lucy's excersise schedule!

Friday, July 28, 2006 - day 407 -
current treadmill total: 416,295.06 meters! (17:45 CET)

Must be due to the heatwave

I've seen it a couple of times last week.
Lee, also spotted it, in the following webshot he sent me: (Very observent! By the way!)

Webcam shot of my hamster Lucy, sleeping in her hallway.
" Looks like she fell asleep in the hallway to her bedroom. hmmm " - Lee

Now I spotted her doing this over and over...
So I got my camera, so you can see it too:

My hamster Lucy sleeping in her hallway.
Note the Hamster Airco in the picture. (See: day 399)

My hamster Lucy sleeping in her hallway.

My hamster Lucy sleeping in her hallway.

Must be very relaxing sleeping this way!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Lee!

Luckily the temperatures are currently dropping a bit.
I wonder if Lucy will keep on doing this when this second(!) heatwave has passed.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 - day 406 - current treadmill total: 415,983.59 meters! (18:25 CET)

Lucy's Statistical Graphs update

My hamster Lucy lastest statistical graph.
HamsterTracker™ Server crashes/ISP blackouts/Sensor misalignments:
Day: 12, 30, 44, 57, 67, 68, 76, 90, 91, 96, 99, 116, 182, 292, 318, 319, 330, 331, 332, 336, 340, 355, 356, 377,393

My hamster Lucy treadmill time graph.

Total Distance Trend Graph:

My hamster Lucy Total Distance graph.

My hamster Lucy water consumption graph.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - day 405 - current treadmill total: 415,810.38 meters! (17:00 CET)

Lucy showing off her media training

Lucy does know how to charm....

My hamster Lucy showing off her media training.
" Hi Dude! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her raspberry treat
" Do I make you groovy baby? " - Lucy

Say hello to Lucy, by signing her Guestbook!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - day 404 - current treadmill total: 415,715.88 meters! (18:55 CET)

Lucy's raspberry flavoured treat

It's still pretty hot here in Eindhoven (35+º Celcius),
by giving Lucy a treat or two,
I hope to have taken Lucy's mind off the hot temperatures for a few minutes...

My hamster Lucy enjoying her raspberry treat
" Nice! Dude! BUT you're making me work for it... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her raspberry treat
" Wait ... There's more! " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her raspberry treat
" MMmmmmmmm .... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying her raspberry treat
" Got it! Thanks Dude! " - Lucy

Lucy is coping well with the heat.
She loves running in her explorer ball, but she didn't run much in her treadmill these last hot days!

Monday, July 24, 2006 - day 403 - current treadmill total: 415,673.12 meters! (18:15 CET)

End of our Summer Break

Good times have to end sometime; Lucy and my Summer Break is (sadly) over...
During this break I've gotten quite a few emails, therefore:

From the mailbox:

Lee, who keeps a close eye on Lucy's Webcam, while studying, sent me the following great webcam snapshots:

Lucy caught on webcam, by Lee. Lucy caught on webcam, by Lee.
Lucy caught on webcam, by Lee. Lucy caught on webcam, by Lee.

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Lee

Keep up the study!

Saturday, July 22, 2006 - day 401 - current treadmill total: 415,487.69 meters! (22:05 CET)

Still coping with hot temperatures

It's still a warm 30+º Celcius here!
So Lucy is not running around much in her treadmill, although she enjoys her daily Explorer Ball time in the living room.
These last days Lucy has been sleeping a lot:

My hamster Lucy sleeping during hot temperatures.

So I thought it would be nice for Lucy to have a special (large) treat:

My hamster Lucy enjoying corn.
" Mmmmmmm... " - Lucy

My hamster Lucy enjoying corn.
" Thanks dude! " - Lucy

Thursday, July 18, 2006 - day 399 -
current treadmill total: 415,469.03 meters! (11:55 CET)

Cheap airconditioning for Lucy

The temperatures here in Eindoven have reached a scorching hot, 35+º Celcius (or 95+º Fahrenheit)!
For Lucy I 'made' the following Hamster Airco:

My hamster Lucy cooling down with her Hamster Airco.

My hamster Lucy cooling down with her Hamster Airco.

The Ice Pack, doesn't touch her cage.
And because cold air flows downward, I don't think this will have a sickening effect on Lucy by overcooling her.

(I could have put the Ice Pack on top of her bedroom, but I think that's way too much...)
The cooling effect might be just a degree or two cooler (haven't check this), but every little bit helps.

Most Importantly: Lucy Likes It!

Tuesday, July 16, 2006 - day 397 - current treadmill total: 415,079.06 meters! (22:05 CET)

Way too hot!

The temperatures here in Eindoven have reached a very hot, 29+º Celcius (or 84+º Fahrenheit)!
Therefore I've caught Lucy dozing off, in front of the camera, several times:

My hamster Lucy dozing off because of warm temperatures.

My hamster Lucy dozing off because of warm temperatures.

Even though Lucy is coping with these extreme temperatures, I shout:

Hang in there Lucy!

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