This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in France

Extreme HamsterTrackin' France

© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Thursday, August 7, 2008 Day 406 current treadmill total: 241,301.88 meters! (20:35 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Lourdes by Rhiannon

Before the Lucy update,
this wonderfull entry has been aging in the HamsterTracker™-Mailbox which is very appropriate right now:

Rhiannon (from the UK) took a trip to Lourdes in France:

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Lourdes in France by Rhiannon.
" here is lucy admiring the Basilica at Lourdes ! " - Rhiannon

Poor Poor Lucy - Part III

First of all, HamsterTracker™-Shouts for all your reactions
on Lucy's illness, in Lucy's Guestbook and in the HamsterTracker™-Mailbox.

Good news is that I don't think that Lucy lost a finger !!!
I don't have a clear photo as proof, but I am sure I counted four fingers on her left hand.
(Hamsters have four fingers and five toes, so that's normal).

Puzzled by this all, I do currently think that Lucy made an unfortunate drop from her meditation room,
thereby injuring herself;
that kind of (huge) bump on her nose (could have) caused the nose bleed (and/or)
Lucy broke her left hand...

I don't think it's wet-tail or some kind of bacterial infection,
but I am considering the dilemma:

a trip to the vet / leave Lucy alone and not stress her too much

Meanwile I got the suggestion of fresh fruit for Lucy:

My Poor, Poor, hamster Lucy - part III.
" A nice piece of fresh apple ! " - Mathijs

My Poor, Poor, hamster Lucy - part III.
" Note the red spot on Lucy's left hand ... " - Mathijs

My Poor, Poor, hamster Lucy - part III.
" This was Lucy's most silent nibble ever. " - Mathijs

Lucy got out of her bedroom last night to have a drink (5 ml.) !
AND she is still grooming... That's always a good sign !

I can't stop pondering over my dilemma...
meanwhile, Lucy's experiencing the best care, rest assure !

HamsterTracker™-Shouts to Rhiannon

We hope that the powers of Lourdes will help Lucy!

More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Friday, July 14, 2006 - day 393 - current treadmill total: 414,122.09 meters! (21:40 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Lyon, France

Silvia (Temporary HamsterTracker™ correspondent in Lyon, France),

Updated me on her Extreme HamsterTracker™ promotion tour in Lyon, France

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
This castle needs some serious Extreme HamsterTrackin'

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
With Permission!

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Silvia

Saturday, July 15, 2006 - day 394 - current treadmill total: 414,122.62 meters! (10:25 CET)
Unfortunately a sensor misalignment, prevented any data recording last night,
I hope I've fixed it...

More Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Lyon, France

Silvia (Temporary HamsterTracker™ correspondent in Lyon, France),

Updated me on her Extreme HamsterTracker™ promotion tour in France

Some serious Extreme HamsterTrackin' with Silvia's friends:

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
Meet, Jacqueline

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
and meet; Thibaut

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in a restaurant

After some flirting with the waiter (using the Lucy-card),
Silvia was allowed to do some Extreme HamsterTracking' in the restaurant:

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
" L'Auvergne Pittoresque "

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
" St. Jacques "

Lucy promotion in Lyon, France.
This card was left behind as a tip!

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Silvia

© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw