This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in Germany

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Germany

© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Saturday, April 7, 2007
Day 660 current treadmill total: 485,011.72 meters! (11:50 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella & G-Man

DJane Vibrella and (her) G-Man sent in this wonderfull report:

" Grüße an Lucy und Mathijs von Rees am Rhein " - Vibrella

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!

HamsterTracker™-Shouts to DJane Vibrella and G-man!

You've done it again!

More info:

GlobalExtreme HamsterTrackin'.

Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Sunday, February 18, 2007 - day 612 - current treadmill total: 478,044.28 meters! (18:15 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella

DJane Vibrella sent in this wonderfull valentine report:

" Here our very special Valentines for Lucy " - Vibrella

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" Clint alone waiting for Lucy to appear! " - Vibrella

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" Fire & Clint " - Vibrella

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" our friend(s) Uli and Fire " - Vibrella

More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.

Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Thursday, November 2, 2006 - day 504 - current treadmill total: 443,178.88 meters! (17:10 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Germany

DJane Vibrella and her husband send in their awesome Extreme HamsterTrackin' experiences in Germany:

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Friedrichstadt, Nordfriesland, Germany!
" Friedrichstadt / Nordfriesland / Germany " - Vibrella

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Sankt Peter Ording, Nordsee, Germany!
" Sankt Peter Ording / Nordsee / Germany" - Vibrella

Starring DJane Vibrella and (her) G-man

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Sankt Peter Ording, Nordsee, Germany!
" Meet: Uli, Nicole & dogs " - Vibrella

Uli & Nicole are the persons behind the cat-site:

I've never seen cats like those before, on that site, but WOW what a great cat-fotoalbum!

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Vibrella & G-man, Nicole & Uli & dogs!

Monday, July 15, 2006 - day 396 - current treadmill total: 414,911.88 meters! (22:50 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Dortmund, Germany

This weekend I attended the Radio 42 summerparty, in Dortmund.

Meet Mrs DJane Vibrella and Mr G-man, doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'

Lucy promotion by DJane Vibrella and Mr. G-man.

Allessandra from Italy, doing some Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Dortmund

Lucy promotion by DJane Vibrella and Mr. G-man.

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Vibrella, G-man and Allessandra!

© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw