Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - day 299 -
current treadmill total: 387,073.09 meters! (17:40 CET)
The birth of HamsterTracker.com
Get out your history-books, agenda's etc. and mark yesterday as the birth of HamsterTracker.com!
Because it could take up to 24 hours, for all the DNS-servers in the world to get updated, I guess it's safe to share this with the (online-) world now.
Although I already hinted at this, by placing the banner on the top of this page yesterday ;-)
These last couple of months I find it more and more difficult to explain someone where to find my website.
is too long, while http://tinyurl.com/5hkrv is too cryptive.
SO, Please update your bookmarks!
The comming months I will transfer this complete site to HamsterTracker.com.
Right now, you'll just be redirected to (your familiar) http://home.iae.nl/users/mathijs/hamtstertracker/ url.
About linking
If you have a website and you want to link to this one (Great!, Thank you!), but please use http://HamsterTracker.com as URL.
You could also opt for adding the following banner to your site.
(image details: height = 61 pixels, width = 477 pixels, size = 3 kb)
Copy this image (right click on it, and choose 'Save image as'...) to your website.
Place it in the same directory as the page you want to display it on.
Please don't deeplink to this image, thank you!
Use the code in the above textboxes to display the HamsterTracker.com banner or link on your website
Update: (19:10)
I forgot to mention, that I didn't buy champagne for Lucy to celibrate, no I got her something else:
Lucy is sleeping right now, but we are going to celibrate! Raisins and all!
The blue arrow points to Lucy, if you look close you can spot her ears.
I had this "magical blue float'n'hover arrow" for a long time now, and I thought this would be a good occasion to use it! Too bad they only float'n'hover for 30 minutes...