© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Background; HamsterTracker™ Side projects: New Server

Picture of the new (to be) HamsterTracker(tm) server.

The new (second hand) PC

Here are some pictures of the new (to be) HamsterTracker™ server.

It's an IBM Netvista A40 type: 6830 CBG!

The specs:

Open view of my new Maxtor harddisk.
CPU Pentium III - 800 Mhz
Windows reports: 797 Mhz
Harddisk 10 Gb
5400 rpm ATA 100
Added: 80 Gb - Maxtor
7200 rpm, ATA 133, 8 Mb cache
RAM 128 Mb
2x64 Mb configuration
replaced with: 512 Mb (max.)
2x256 Mb configuration
USB 4 x USB 1.0 Added: 4 x USB 2.0
Video Intel 810
4 Mb, AGP 2x
Still thinking about this one!
Ethernet 100 Mbps
CDROM 48 speed something
Floppy 3.25", 1.44 Mb diskdrive
Ports: 1 x Parallel
2 x RS232 serial
2 x PS2 (mouse, keyboard)


© Copyright 1994 - 2005, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw