In 1994 I bought a trackball in a sale somewhere. Determined to build an interface for the PC, I started designing. I was planning to use the serial communications port, and designed some circuitry to implement my desires.
This prove to be much more work than I could have ever imagined. Countless hours went into soldering, testing and bugfixing. Needless to say I never actually built the Trackball interface. [Who could ever imagine that the Trackball interface would evolve into the HamsterTracker™ interface :-) ? ]
The Main Board
I started building and soldering, as you can see on the photograph. This picture was actually taken a few months ago. I'm sorry to say I didn't have a webcam 10 years ago.
The Second Board
Years later I designed a second board for dealing with Input lines.
Click on picture for closeup
As you can see, this board has been built a bit neater than the first one.