Monday, January 21, 2008 |
Day 207
current treadmill total: 207,504.12 meters! (19:25 CET)
Geekin' Seasons holiday project: Fixin' the LCD (final part)
I started to blog about this gem of a project on january 2nd, 2008,
but I didn't finish it....
We left off then, by cutting off the (faulty) LCD-screen connector,
what we didn't show it that the HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept. actually
pulled out the Ol' HamsterTracker™-server,
(Known to acually work with this hardware :)
to simplify testing...
" Yes it still runs Windows 98 ... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
Nice and Geeky Setup
Isn't it?
" Here's the ribbon-cable (of the LCD-screen),
(minutes after) soldering it on the main-board... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
" Using a rib-tie;
it's secured to the main-board... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
We used the rib-tie as soon as it gave a sign of life,
using the Ol' HamsterTracker™ server...
" It got then hooked it up to the new Dream Machine,
Et Voilà ! " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
Since then it's been running flaweless !
[ Knock on wood ]
" It shows the latest update time,
last session speed and today's distance,
as well as total distance. " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
There is also a software version:
( This is for easy software-development,
then I don't need to run back and forth
to check the status of the LCD-screen
[ AND it was fun to program ] )
" Note the similarity with tha 'real thing'.
The controls on the left, control the cursor! (which is currently not displaying, note the 'None')
The extra "m" (top line, on the right) is a software bug, it is not hardware-related,
[ Else it wouldn't show up on the emulator above ]
We should really clear the line first,
BEFORE displaying the updated data. " - HamsterTracker™-Geek Dept.
Which got us to notice:
Lucy only ran 0.53 meters today (time of writing: 19:25),
which is not really a lot,
when askin' Lucy,
she responded...
" I am reeeeeee---aly.... ZZZ ... buuuu---sy .... zzzz ... rrrrright now .... ZZZ
ZZZ ... zzz ... ZZZ ... " - Lucy
" Please note, Lucy's left hand supporting her face." - HamsterTracker™-Observation Dept.
(I am inclined to saying (reasonably loud) : " PINE-SEEDS ANYONE ? " as you read this :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
| Day 354
current treadmill total: 235,505.94 meters! (19:10 CET)
Geekin' Maintenance Fun at HamsterTracker™
Last week the FT100 - Point of Sale Display started to goof up seriously.
Between displaying Lucy's and HamsterTracker™-Website statistics,
it was displaying a a whole lot of nonsense, hundreds of characters at one go.
After checking the HamsterTracker™-Software that is controlling it,
it took a little while to deduce that the power supply was causing this.
This 220 Volt AC to 5 Volt regulated powersupply,
was outputting a solid 1.15 Volts when I measured it (with my new Volt-meter).
So it was time to open it up, (assembled when I was 14 years of age, opening it approx. 27 years later):
" This old beauty has powered a lot of projects ... " - Mathijs
" Opening it ... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
" Getting all the stuff ready; Multi-Meter, Solder Iron, Solder & Screwdrivers ...
Together with some obligatory pliers ... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
" After opening:
the powersupply cable connection broke (1)
as well as the problem area became apparent (2) " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
The heating and cooling off,
has (over the years) worn down the (2) connection,
thereby outputting only a slight part of the total power.
" Here it is all (re-)soldered again. " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
" Re-Assemblin' ... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
" It has been running since this fix ... " - HamsterTracker™-Geek-&-Fix Dept.
Then Lucy asked:
" Tell me it DOESN'T show Pine-Seed consumption, Dude ! " - Lucy
" It [ (un-)fortunately ] doesn't. Dear Lucy ! " - Mathijs
© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw