HamsterTracker™-Regulars may know that I started working on the Blog Index quite some time ago.
I did make preparations by naming all items individualy for a while,
but the remaining (past) pages, didn't have that information:
" While Lucy was sleeping ... " - Mathijs
I manually edited NewsArchive037,
as a lesson in what to do, and how much time it takes...
I took me 4(+) hours to manually edit this page
as well as add every item to the database!
This would require 4 x 36 hours (=144) to manually convert them all!
After thinking this over,
I started to work on some conversion software,
that would do this little trick automatically:
" This software (developed, tested and used in approx. 6 hours time),
that scanned all previous NewsArchives,
taking note of the title, as well as adding a unique id to the page.
It also updated the HamsterTracker™-Blog Index Database,
along the way... " - Mathijs
It did take some tweaking, as well as a lot of checking.
I didn't want the sofware to garble the pages...
This process was time consuming, but the results are rewarding!
The software modified 21 News Achive pages!
As well as adding more than 550+ blog titles to the Blog Index!
Lucy4.0 was fully indexed,
now Lucy3.0 is too!
This 6 hour effort saved me a lot of time!
Although the last 16 pages require some more programming to scan and modify,
we ARE getting there (slowly) :-)
" This is a snap shot of the top ten of the indexed blog items,
sorted by MOST VOTES and BEST RATING ...
Currently there's only ONE Lucy4.0 item is in this top ten... " - Mathijs
16 more pages to index ... We are working on it!
64% done in six hours instead of the calculated 144 hours!
That's in 6.5% of the time allocated !!!
If all goes well I need another 4.5 hours to do the index the remaining pages
Anyway; 10.5+ hours spent is a LOT better as opposed to the (calculated) 144 hours,
totalling 7.3% of total calculated time of doing it manually!
That's a 93.7% save of time!
( This is one reasons I just love developing software! - Mathijs )