Background; HamsterTracker™ Requirements
I'm still trying to complete this list...
Operational Hardware Requirements
A hamster! Like Lucy!
hamster cage
Pentium PC
Mppp-i interface
HamsterTracker™ sensors
Broadband internet connection to be 24/7/365 (=always) online.
Pictures & Videos hardware (4 the website & documentation):
Logitech QuickCam Express
Later upgraded to Logitech QuickCam Zoom
Upgraded in June 2004:
Trust 782AV LCD Power Video
A Sandisk SD-card memory expantion to allow for 700 Pictures or 2 hours of video
Trust Easy Webscan 19200
Kodak Advantix T500 APS camera
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows 98
or higher
Notepad.exe as Html-editor
Paint Shop Pro;
for me the best graphics editing application. Download a evaluation copy at
All the spare time you can find in 10 years!
Patience, you'll actually need this quite a lot!
Endurance, It can be hard to try to finish a huge project like this!
No fear of failure! Because you can only learn from it, there is no failure!
HTML knowledge. Or at least know where to find it:
2 DO: .....
Internet services
My Guestbook, it's free (!!!), but (must admit) has some anoying popup's.
For keeping track of visiting statistics I use (also free):
My Provider
Also provider of my page counters used on this site:
for my short URL;
I can recommend the Google toolbar; it has an exellent Popup blocker! Get your copy at
© Copyright 1994 - 2004, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw