Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Puerto Rico.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Puerto Rico

© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Day 651 current treadmill total: 484,303.75 meters! (18:30 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Puerto Rico

Jose and Yoly send in this wonderfull Extreme HamsterTrackin' entry all the way from Puerto Rico.

" Here I send you a photo of a little friend I found quietly resting on my car’s door.
Yoly suggested I take out the Lucy postcard and take a couple of photos to send you.
The name of the little fellow is Coquí.
The name comes from its loud singing it does at night.
" - Jose

Extreme HamsterTrackin' from Puerto Rico by Jose and Yoly.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' from Puerto Rico by Jose and Yoly.
" A bit more in close-up " - Jose

Extreme HamsterTrackin' from Puerto Rico by Jose and Yoly.
" After this photo-shoot, the Coquí was carefully returned to it's natural habitat " - Jose

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Jose and Yoly!

don't forget to check out their awesome website hamsterfanSite.com, which is all about Lucy's Godkids.

More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.

Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Friday, January 26, 2007 - day 589 - current treadmill total: 471,533.28 meters! (17:10 CET)

*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***

Godmother Lucy!

Regular sender-inners Yoly and Jose who are proud caretakers of their hamsters Piu and Kiry,
send in this wonderfull news just minutes ago:

" Piu and Kiry are the proud parents of 3 cute little pups!
The birth time was on Tuesday morning from midnight to around 4am as I can guestimate.
When I came home from work around 1am she had given birth to 2 pups already
and in the morning my wife Yoly noticed there were 3 of them.
We are very happy that Kiry is finally a mother,
since we’ve been trying to breed them for 3 months now.
I guess that’ll make me a grampa?

Well, we’ll make Lucy the godmother.
" - Jose

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
Kiry showing a bit of her hamster babies

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
Proud mamma Kiry!

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
" OMG, way toooo cute!!! " - HamsterTracker.com

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
While the babies where being born,
Daddy Piu, trying to clear his mind
by doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'

We here at HamsterTracker.com are eating a banana, to celibrate.
(We don't like cigars, we eat banana instead,
while playin' around like it's a (BIG) cigar! )

HamsterTracker™ congrats to Kiry and Piu and to their three little hammy-babies!

Thanks for sharing this with us Yoly and Jose!

Thursday, February 8, 2007 - day 602 - current treadmill total: 475,404.12 meters! (18:30 CET)

*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***

Godmother Lucy Update!

Regular sender-inners Yoly and Jose fortunately continue to keep us updated
on the kids their hamster Piu and Kiry had just two weeks ago:

Jose and Yoly have decided on the names of Lucy's God-children!!!

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Here are Nany and Oogie having dinner. " - Jose

So you'll know who is who:

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Introducing Nany, " - Jose

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Meet Oogie, " - Jose

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" And meet Lulu (having a moment for herself) ! " - Jose

We here at HamsterTracker.com are not only totally in love
with these little hammies;
we also Love their names!!!

Fortunately Jose and Yoly have decided upon making a dedicated website:

Check out the latest developments of Lulu, Nany and Oogie on:


HamsterTracker™-shouts to Jose and Yoly!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007 - day 609 - current treadmill total: 477,440.19 meters! (17:10 CET)

*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***

Godmother Lucy Update!

Regular sender-inners Yoly and Jose fortunately continue to keep us updated
on the kids their hamster Piu and Kiry had just three weeks ago:

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Mother Kiry, son Oogie and Daughter Nany " - If I'm correct

How they've grown!!!

Here's Kiry, attempting to get some attention:

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" What is taking the babysitter so long to get here " - Kiry

Check out the latest developments of Lulu, Nany and Oogie on:


HamsterTracker™-shouts to Jose and Yoly!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007 - day 616 - current treadmill total: 478,977.00 meters! (17:35 CET)

*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***

Godmother Lucy Update!

Here's the update of week four on Nany, Lulu and Oogie (Lucy's god-children from Puerto Rico)

by Yoly and Jose:

See also : Godmother Lucy page.

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Nany running, Oogie climbing, "

Check out how Jose modded this wire-treadmill
into a very hamster-safe treadmill.

Meanwhile Jose and Yoly must have spent a fortune
on a new home for Kiry, Nany, Lulu and Oogie:

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" What's the rent, in pine-seeds? " - Kiry

The new home got the most awesome sunroof,
which can be opened:

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" From left to right: Nany, Lulu and Oogie "

Again HamsterTracker™-shouts to Jose and Yoly!!!

More info on Jose and Yoly's hamsters at: hamsterfanSite.com

Thursday, March 1, 2007
Day 623 current treadmill total: 479,478.22 meters! (16:50 CET)

Godmother Lucy Update! - Week 5

Here's the update of week five on Nany, Lulu and Oogie (Lucy's god-children from Puerto Rico)

by Yoly and Jose:

See also : Godmother Lucy page.

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Oogie, Nany and Lulu sleeping "

Jose and Yoly's hamsters, Piu and Kiry's - hamster babies.
" Leisure time for (hamster-) mom Kiry "

Again HamsterTracker™-shouts to Jose and Yoly!!!

More info on Jose and Yoly's hamsters at: hamsterfanSite.com

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - day 510 - current treadmill total: 445,029.72 meters! (17:00 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Guánica, Puerto Rico

Jose, send in this awesome entry;

DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin' Guánica, Puerto Rico!
" These 2 pics are of me holding Lucy while standing next to
'La piedra de los americanos' (The stone of the americans)
as it is known by very few located in Guánica, Puerto Rico.
" - Jose

DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin' Guánica, Puerto Rico!
" It is a monumental landmark. " - Jose

Thanks Jose, for this awesome HamsterTracker™ entry!

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Jose

© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw