Friday, January 26, 2007 - day 589 -
current treadmill total: 471,533.28 meters! (17:10 CET)
*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***
Godmother Lucy!
Regular sender-inners Yoly and Jose who are proud caretakers of their hamsters Piu and Kiry,
send in this wonderfull news just minutes ago:
" Piu and Kiry are the proud parents of 3 cute little pups!
The birth time was on Tuesday morning from midnight to around 4am as I can guestimate.
When I came home from work around 1am she had given birth to 2 pups already
and in the morning my wife Yoly noticed there were 3 of them.
We are very happy that Kiry is finally a mother,
since we’ve been trying to breed them for 3 months now.
I guess that’ll make me a grampa?
Well, we’ll make Lucy the godmother. " - Jose
Kiry showing a bit of her hamster babies
Proud mamma Kiry!
" OMG, way toooo cute!!! " -
While the babies where being born,
Daddy Piu, trying to clear his mind
by doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'
We here at are eating a banana, to celibrate.
(We don't like cigars, we eat banana instead,
while playin' around like it's a (BIG) cigar! )
HamsterTracker™ congrats to Kiry and Piu
and to their three little hammy-babies!
Thanks for sharing this with us Yoly and Jose!