Monday, November 3, 2008
| Day 494
current treadmill total: 259,021.34 meters! (18:25 CET)
Extreme HamsterTrackin' Gatwick Airport by Marion
Regular sender-inner Marion,
just reported in from Gatwick Airport London, UK. :
" Here is the next instalment of our USA adventure! " - Marion
" These nice girls were at Gatwick giving away samples of Toblerone
( so thats why the swiss costumes) ... " - Marion
" Lucy thought the planes were too noisy ! " - Marion
Extreme HamsterTracker™-Shouts to Marion and the two Toblerone-ladies !
[ We can't wait on receiving your other instalments of your USA adventure, Marion ! ]
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
| Day 475
current treadmill total: 255,115.88 meters! (22:05 CET)
Extreme HamsterTrackin' Reigate, UK, by Marion
Regular sender-inner Marion,
just reported in from Reigate (UK):
" On the way to gatwick we stopped in Reigate at The Abbey,
it has lovely lanscaped gardens open to the public.
The building was under restoration and belongs to the local council,
the local primary school is part of the complex " - Marion
" What a wonderful place for a school. Lucy loved all the flowers! " - Marion
Extreme HamsterTracker™-Shouts to you and your H'band, Marion
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day 680+59
current treadmill total: -.-- meters! (19:10 CET)
Extreme HamsterTrackin' in London, England
Lucy 3.0's godmother Meinke asked me all about the adoption progress, this weekend.
After explaining it all, Meinke reminded me of her
Extreme HamsterTrackin' in London entry.
Submitted waaaaay earlier!
this one slipped though the (digital) cracks at HamsterTracker™
Meinke worked here as a 'Graduation-Trainee',
for almost half a year...
Needless to say, Meinke graduated !
(and she's back in the Netherlands again) !
Extreme HamsterTracker™-Shouts to
Lucy 1.0- ,2.0- and 3.0-'s Godmother;
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - day 474 -
current treadmill total: 436,273.06 meters! (19:15 CET)
Extreme HamsterTrackin' in London, Great Britain, part I
Daniëlle and her mom went to London to do some Extreme HamsterTrackin'
Here is their first part of their report:
" Big Ben! " - Daniëlle
" The Eye of London! " - Daniëlle
" Big Ben seen from (and by) the Eye of Lodon! " - Daniëlle
Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Daniëlle and her mom
for these (now instantly) classic Extreme HamsterTrackin' it in London shots.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 - day 481 -
current treadmill total: 438,290.06 meters! (18:05 CET)
Extreme HamsterTrackin' in London, Great Britain, part II
Daniëlle and her mom went to London to do some Extreme HamsterTrackin'
Here is their second part of their report:
Extreme HamsterTrackin' it with celebrities:
at Madame Tussauds London
Jamie Oliver - famous chef
Naomi Campbell - famous model
Abraham Lincoln - famous 16th president of USA
Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Daniëlle and her mom
Thursday, October 12, 2006 - day 483 -
current treadmill total: 439,149.75 meters! (18:15 CET)
© Copyright 1994 - 2009, Peacoque Labs ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw