Extreme HamsterTrackin' your pet

© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Thursday, December 13, 2007 Day 168 current treadmill total: 194,966.53 meters! (19:35 CET)

Happy Hanukkah (or X-mass)! by Dena

Dena has been sending in quite some wonderfull stuff these last weeks,
the following entry was well received by the HamsterTracker™-Mail Dept. :

" Mittens had to have Lucy over for Hanukkah, it was fine with me. " - Dena

Dena's Happy Hanukkah (or X-mass) !
" On Hanukkah,
Mittens and Lucy played dreidel for pine seeds.
You can see they were both eyeing the pile.
" - Dena

Dena's Happy Hanukkah (or X-mass) !
" Mittens got a little too exited and forgot the rules. " - Dena

Dena's Happy Hanukkah (or X-mass) !
" Zuzu saw the game and was so jealous, she grabbed Lucy!

From us, Happy Hanukkah to all !
" - Dena

As it seems, Zuzu is Dena's Parrot baby-sit !

Seems to us that Zuzu is in great hands !

We love what you've done to the HamsterTrackin' card,
very cool preps!
And that photograph; that must have been a hard shoot...

We're SCREAMING HamsterTracker™-Shouts
back to you Dena, Mittens and Zuzu!

Thank you for teaching me and Lucy the game of Dreidel !
More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Thursday, December 6, 2007 Day 161 current treadmill total: 192,722.22 meters! (18:25 CET)

Dena's awesome Mittens mail

Extreme HamsterTrackin Dena's hamster Mittens!
Hot from the HamsterTracker™-Correspondents Dena & Mittens,
all the way from the U.S. of A.

Remember Thanksgiving?

[ See day 150,
below ]

After the HamsterTracker™-Chef asked Dena for the Thanksgiving recipe,
Dena sent in quite some more Cookin' for your hamster.

Using and IMPROVING HamsterTracker™-recipes!
Starring the male Look a Like version of Lucy; Mittens !

Dena's hamster Mittens enjoyin' some cookin' .
" Serving Mittens a Hamburger with cheese "fries" " - Dena

Awesome fries Dena !

Mittens certainly seems a bit overwhelmed! ;-)

Dena's hamster Mittens enjoyin' some cookin' .
" Mittens with HotDog ! " - Dena

Dena's hamster Mittens enjoyin' some cookin' .
" Serving Mittens Sushi (I use cucumber instead of apple) ! " - Dena

Another great variation, Dena

The XXXXL-version for Mittens, just the way Mittens likes it!

Dena's hamster Mittens enjoyin' some cookin' .
" Serving Mittens a Parsly plant (he ate it too fast to get a good picture.) ! " - Dena

Dena's hamster Mittens enjoyin' some cookin' .
" I call this one "peanut face," it's not really in cookin' for Lucy

it's just funny!
" - Dena

AGREED, Dena !
Also a very CUTE photo of Mittens !

HamsterTracker™-Shouts to Dena and Mittens

Pullleeease keep up the good work,
and please keep us posted!

Sunday, November 25, 2007 Day 150 current treadmill total: 189,927.62 meters! (19:45 CET)

Awesome 'Extreme HamsterTrackin' Your Pet' entry

Hot from the HamsterTracker™-Mailbox,
Dena sent in this very cool entry:

" These pics were taken at my computer desk
with my hamster, Mittens and Lucy
" - Dena

Extreme HamsterTrackin Dena's hamster Mittens !
" Mittens was very exited to meet lucy,
he walked right up and said hello.
I think Mittens likes Lucy,
but he's not even 1 yet.
He asked if Lucy could live in his cage
and of course my immediate response was "NO"......
so we compromised.
" - Dena

Extreme HamsterTrackin Dena's hamster Mittens !
" Mittens invited Lucy to his Thanksgiving party.
Notice the chestnut stuffed grape "turkey" and other hamster-safe foods.
I think Lucy looks like she's having a good time.
This is Mittens' 1st real dinner party!
" - Dena

AWESOME cookin' 4 your hamster, Dena!

Extreme HamsterTrackin Dena's hamster Mittens !
" We're still working on manners,
and Mittens isn't that good at them yet.
I told him not to,
I really tried to prevent it,
but mittens hogged the "turkey".
" - Dena

Extreme HamsterTrackin Dena's hamster Mittens !
" Worst of all,
he stepped on the plates just to get to the pudding which he hogged as-well.
Mittens has a lot to learn,
and I think he's not yet ready for a relationship
" - Dena

Extreme HamsterTrackin' shouts to you Dena and Mittens

Welcome to the HamsterTracker™-Family!

More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 - day 615 - current treadmill total: 478,675.34 meters! (16:55 CET)

Valentine Extreme HamsterTrackin' with Kim

HamsterTracker™-regular-sender-inner Kim sent in the following report:

" My hamsters Ambee and Ruger wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with Lucy.
So I set a party for them.
" - Kim

[ " I did crochet the Valentine’s hearts and the little red kiss. " - Kim ]

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Kim
" Ambee gave Lucy a kiss! " - Kim

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Kim
" Ruger being younger he wasn’t to sure about all of this.
But he did get closer to Lucy and she gave him a hug.
" - Kim

" I’m sure Ambee and Ruger will remember their Valentine’s Day with Lucy for a long time.. " - Kim

(Again) Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Kim!

Sunday, February 18, 2007 - day 612 - current treadmill total: 478,044.28 meters! (18:15 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella

DJane Vibrella sent in this wonderfull valentine report:

" Here our very special Valentines for Lucy " - Vibrella

This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in Germany Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" Clint alone waiting for Lucy to appear! " - Vibrella

This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in Germany Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" Fire & Clint " - Vibrella

This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in Germany Extreme HamsterTrackin' by DJane Vibrella!
" our friend(s) Uli and Fire " - Vibrella

Uli is the man behind the famous cat-site:


Friday, January 26, 2007 - day 589 - current treadmill total: 471,533.28 meters! (17:10 CET)

*** STOP *** THE *** PRESS ***

Godmother Lucy!

Regular sender-inners Yoly and Jose who are proud caretakers of their hamsters Piu and Kiry,
send in this wonderfull news just minutes ago:

" Piu and Kiry are the proud parents of 3 cute little pups!
The birth time was on Tuesday morning from midnight to around 4am as I can guestimate.
When I came home from work around 1am she had given birth to 2 pups already
and in the morning my wife Yoly noticed there were 3 of them.
We are very happy that Kiry is finally a mother,
since we’ve been trying to breed them for 3 months now.
I guess that’ll make me a grampa?

Well, we’ll make Lucy the godmother.
" - Jose

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
Kiry showing a bit of her hamster babies

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
Proud mamma Kiry!

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
" OMG, way toooo cute!!! " - HamsterTracker.com

Jose and Yoly's hamsters: Piu and Kiry got hamster babies.
While the babies where being born,
Daddy Piu, trying to clear his mind
by doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'

We here at HamsterTracker.com are eating a banana, to celibrate.
(We don't like cigars, we eat banana instead,
while playin' around like it's a (BIG) cigar! )

HamsterTracker™ congrats to Kiry and Piu and to their three little hammy-babies!

Thanks for sharing this with us Yoly and Jose!

More info:

GlobalExtreme HamsterTrackin'.

Download your FREEDo It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - day 573 - current treadmill total: 467,276.34 meters! (16:00 CET)

Xtreme HamsterTrackin' by Jodi

Jodi did some awesome Xtreme HamsterTrackin' with her pets in Los Angeles USA:

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by Jodi
" Here's a photo of my Syrian hamster,
Ami --a boy that we originally thought was a girl--,
nibbling a carrot with Lucy's photo.
" - Jodi

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by Jodi
" Here is one of my dogs, Little Guy, with Lucy's photo.
He's expressing to me that he's not really that fond of the hamster I have,
so I shouldn't be taking his photo with another one!
" - Jodi

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Jodi, Ami and Little Guy

Sunday, December 24, 2006 - day 556 - current treadmill total: 462,079.97 meters! (15:10 CET)

X-mas spirited Extreme HamsterTrackin'

Regular Sender-inner Kim sent in her following report on her hamsters Ambee, Ruger and Winny.

Here's the full story:

" My Boys wanted to have a holiday party with Lucy.
So I set up the playpen added a tree and Santa.
In came Lucy.
Then each of the boys stopped in to say hi. " - Kim

Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Kim's hamster Ruger
" Ruger sat so nice with Lucy. " - Kim

Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Kim's hamster Ambee
" Ambee was a bit shy. But I know he liked having Lucy at the party. . " - Kim

Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Kim's hamster Winny
" Winny was shy in the beginning, then he had to get a closer look. . " - Kim

Seasonal Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Kim, Ambee, Ruger and Winny!

We love the self crocheted X-mas tree!

Saturday, November 4, 2006 - day 506 - current treadmill total: 443,799.03 meters! (16:25 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' on hamster Winfield's birthday

Kim (see also day 503 below), just sent in this following awesomely Extreme HamsterTrackin' entry;
It is so special, the presses had to stop:

" My hamster Winfield (Winny for short) had his 2nd birthday on Oct. 31st.
With 3 hamsters in the house,
we needed to have a hamster birthday party.
The Boys decided to invite Lucy to the party.
We were looking forward to having Lucy at the party.
I set the playpen up for them." - Kim

Hamster Winny doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'.

Hamster Winny doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
" Winny the birthday boy was a bit shy,
but I can tell he really likes Lucy.
" - Kim

Hamster Ruger doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
" Ambee, was a bit shy in the beginning.
But he warmed up to her.
" - Kim

Hamster Ruger doin' some Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
" Ruger the little one of the 3.
He had to get close.
As you can see Lucy really liked him.
She gave Ruger a pat on the head.
" - Kim

Wow, you have some cute hamsters Kim!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Kim, Winny, Ambee and Ruger!

What a nice Extreme HamsterTrackin' adventure!

(Lucy couldn't decide which hamster, she finds cuter!)

Thursday, October 5, 2006 - day 476 - current treadmill total: 436,913.84 meters! (17:45 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' Germany

By Eule (a.k.a. Ralph)

Eule sent in this photo of his cat Jule a little while ago:

Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Germany. DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin' starring Jule, made by Eule in Germany.
" My cat named Jule wasn't very interested in Lucy.
She spent the whole day outside and is now very tired.
Bears, hamsters, cows, dogs, sheeps... -
when Jule sleeps it the rest of her world happy! :-[
" - Eule

We love the way Jule is looking at Lucy!


Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Eule and Jule!

Thursday, September 14, 2006 - day 455 - current treadmill total: 431,701.09 meters! (17:40 CET)

From the HamsterTracker™-mailbox

This morning this lovely mail (by Virginia) was found in the mailbox:

(Virginia submitted the first DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin' entry ever on day 370)

Photo if Virginia's hamster Alexander, congratulating HamsterTracker.com.
" I’m sorry “we” are a little late getting this out to you.
September is a bit of a busy month.
" - Virginia

We love these kinds of mails, Virginia, therefore:

HamsterTracker™ Shouts to Virginia and Alexander

I still think Lucy has a crush on Alexander ... !

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - day 380 - current treadmill total: 410,790.91 meters! (11:30 CET)

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Olive the cat from Tulsa, Oklahoma - USA

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Tulsa, Oklahoma - USA, starring cat Olive.

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Tulsa, Oklahoma - USA, starring cat Olive.

Olive would never hurt a hamster, Andrea assured me!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Andrea and Olive

Sunday, June 25, 2006 - day 374 - current treadmill total: 409,209.09 meters! (19:00 CET)

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Lyra the guinea pig from Hebron, Connecticut,USA

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Hebron, Connecticut in the USA, starring guinea pig Lyra.
That's some serious HamsterTrackin' cuteness!

HamsterTracker™ shouts to Kris

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - day 370 - current treadmill total: 408,133.50 meters! (18:20 CET)

The first entry of DIY Extreme HamsterTrackin'

Then I got this awesome picture starring Alexander, from Washington USA, doing some blogging all by himself!

This Extreme HamsterTrackin' photo was taken in the United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrackin' in Washington USA starring Alexander the bloggin' hamster.


Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Virginia for this adorable photograph, and ofcourse to Alexander!

(She will not admit it, but I think that Lucy has a bit of a crush on Alexander...)

© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 - day 601 - current treadmill total: 475,234.47 meters! (17:50 CET)

Extreme HamsterTrackin' by Katie

We here at HamsterTracker.com have done it again!
Somehow, we still don't know why this previous sent-in entry by:
HamsterTracker.com regular sender-inner Katie,
somehow fell between the email-cracks-in-the-floor.

Fortunately, Katie sent in a new report (Which we promise, that will be posted sooon!);
when the error was discovered... Sorry Katie! Here's the full report:

" I'm very happy to report that my sister Colleen now has a hammy: " - Katie

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Katie
" This Lovely little girl is named Dat Phan (long story). " - Katie

Extreme HamsterTrackin' photographs from United States of America. Extreme HamsterTrakin' by Katie
" This photo was taken at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. " - Katie

(The Astronaught photo, as posted yesterday (See below) as also shot at the Museum)

Extreme HamsterTracker™ shouts to Katie, Colleen and Dat Phan!!!

More Extreme HamsterTrackin' by Katie comming soon! Promise!

More info:

Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.

Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!